The national workgroup for Interpreting & Translation in Education (ITE) has issued a valuable document: Remote Interpreting in Educational Settings: Best Practice Recommendations.

Providing Language Access Services for Limited English Proficient Parents in Washington Schools:  OEO Feasibility Study for Foreign Language Educational Interpreter Training and Certification. 2015. Those who work in the school system or serve as educational interpreters will want to read this 19-page report, which provides valuable information to help you assess the critical importance of providing language access through qualified interpreters in schools.

The American Translators Association (ATA) and the Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) have published a searchable online Education and Training Directory. It lists programs that provide training, study and degrees in translation, interpretation and related careers.

Educational Glossaries

For bilingual glossaries of Department of Education Terminology in several languages (Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Urdu), go to the website of New York City Schools:

English-Spanish Education and Assessment Glossary from the California Dept. of Education may be found here
Likewise, here are two handy Eng-Span Special Education glossaries: first one here  / second one here

Orange County Dept. of Education (OCDE) offers the following multilingual glossaries.

Social and human services glossaries

Glossaries of commonly used terms in human and social services put out by the San Francisco Department of Human Services, and available in:
     - Russian
     - Spanish
     - Vietnamese

Barbara Thuro (1984). A Bilingual Dictionary of School Terminology. English-Spanish.
This work includes Spanish sentences and vocabulary for all aspects of the school environment including the school office, classroom, playground, cafeteria, and nurse's office. Now in its 13th printing. 
Cost: 19.95
Ammie Enterprises
PO Box 151
Fallbrook CA 92088-0151
Phone: 1-800-633-5544

Yasmin Wurts and M. Eta Traving (2007). Manual for Interpreters in School Settings (English/Spanish).

This book covers: Introduction to Interpreting; The Interpreter in a School Setting; Note-Taking Techniques; Memory Development; Practice Scenarios; Resources for Interpreters; English to Spanish Glossary: 65 pages of School District Terminology; 77 pages of school forms (IEPs, ARDs, etc.) in English and Spanish; and more. A total of 216 pages.

COST: $50.00 + $9.95 s/h

739 Copper Creek Dr.
Katy, TX 77450
Phone: 832-437-2666

Ammie Enterprises offers several valuable resources for interpreters in public school settings. They include:

Barbara Thuro (1984). A Bilingual Dictionary of School Terminology. English-Spanish $19.95

School Terminology Handbook $16.95

Other resources, only in English/Spanish include:
Reporting to Parents in English and Spanish
School Office Spanish
Spanish for the School Nurse's Office
Schol Nurse's Quick Reference Card
School Letters in English and Spanish
Gardening in Spanish

None of these resources should replace a qualified interpreter. But they may assist both interpreters and staff at schools. For more information about all these resources or to order them:

Ammie Enterprises
PO Box 151
Fallbrook CA 92088-0151
Phone: 1-800-633-5544
Fax: 760-451-2096


The Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education has a number of helpful resources available on its website.

Examples of Office for Civil Rights Case Decisions

  • East Valley Institute of Technology - communications with parents (OCR Case No. 08041022)

  • Tucson Unified School District - communications with parents (OCR Case No. 08011157)

  • Denver Public Schools - services to ELL students (OCR Case No. 08951023)

Although the following publication targets educational interpreters for the deaf, they may also interest spoken interpreters in education:

  • RID's Standard Practice Papers: In the organization's own words, these serve to "articulate the consensus of the membership in outlining standard practices and positions on various interpreting roles and issues."

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

  • Council for Exceptional Children

  • IDEA Practices Law and Regulations
    The 2004 reauthorization of Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act.

  • Family and Advocates Partnership for Education
    FAPE aims to inform and educate families and advocates about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997, the 2004 reauthorization and promising practices.

  • Center for Special Education Finance

Other resources in Education

Educate your clients on the roles of interpreters and translators: ATA has put together a wonderful toolkit that takes a lot of the leg-work out of compiling and synthesizing the most critical resources.

The American Translators Association (ATA) podcast series tackles a diverse array of topics, from court interpreting and ATA Advocacy to post-editing and machine translation.

The International Journal of Interpreter Education™ now requires no membership, and is recommended for sign language and spoken language interpreters alike.

NAIE, Professional Guidelines for Interpreting in Educational Settings, National Association for Interpreters in Education, 2019

In 2015, the Department of Justice and the Department of Education published a legal guidance on what schools MUST (yes, MUST) do to address the needs of Limited English Proficient parents and families in schools. This legal guidance and the fact sheet that breaks it down into simple language are precious resources.

The Training for Translators website features a guest blog by Giovanna Carriero-Contreras and Holly Silvestri that is packed with information about educational interpreting.

Here is a website that lists accredited colleges and universities offering ASL and ASL interpreting certificates and degrees.

Educating Community Interpreters and Translators in Unprecedented Times is available for purchase here as an ebook.